Wednesday, November 01, 2006

No Rules, Just Right

Well, we are officially in Korea. We've had a lot of questions about the time it took to get here and whatnot, so here is a run down. We left on Monday at noon and flew from Chicago to Tokyo, which took about 14 hours. Then after a three hour layover we took a two and a half hour flight from Tokyo to Seoul, South Korea. We then spent the night at the Hyatt near the airport and caught a bus to the smaller airport in Seoul for a one hour flight to Ulsan(, which is where we are staying. From the time we left Jeff's house in the morning until the time we got to our hotel, it was about 37 hours total.

The hotel here is great. There are a few restaurants and bars and a great fitness facility including a huge gym, pool, and even a golf driving range! I will definitely be spending plenty of time there!

When we arrived yesterday, we saw an Outback Steakhouse across the street from the hotel. We felt obligated to eat there to feel like Americans (well, Americans pretending to be Australians at least). It was fun having a little touch of home right off the bat.

I guess that is all for now!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a long trip. MMMMMMM.....Outback, I can taste those cheese fries now... Miss you guys!