Thursday, November 16, 2006

It is a Wet-Nap?

At all of the American restaurants here, they give you a little wet-nap before the meal. There is a Bennigan's across the street from the hotel here, and Jeff and I have gone to dinner there a few times. The first time we went there, the waitress bought a wet-nap over, and in her best English asked us what we would call it. Jeff and I kind if looked at each other and thought about what to say to her. We both thought, "It's a wet-nap." But at the same time we were like is that just an American thing and if they give this to someone from England or Australia or some other English speaking country will they understand? After talking to each other for a while, we decided to tell her to call it either a wet napkin or a moist towelette. Jeff wrote both of these phrases down for her and she was so happy to have learned something new. We really got a kick out of that. We also got a free drink out of it, because when we left she gave us a card saying thanks for the help and have a drink on me next time you come. A few days later Jeff and I went back to Bennigans and had a different waiter. When he came to bring us the wet-nap, he very proudly said "Here is a wet napkin" and smiled. He left and Jeff and I burst out laughing! We are so proud to have contributed to the collective education of the Bennigan's staff :)

A random side note about Bennigans: all of the waiters and waitresses have super random fake names on their nametags. Our favorites were Sunflower for a guy and Candi and Bambi for a girl :)


Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud while reading that. Keep on spreading American culture one wet-nap at a time.

Anonymous said...

Haha, that is so cute. I was gonna say something about americanizing korea one restaurant at a time, but then it would seem like I'm copying adam.