The greatest thing about being in Gelsenkirchen is that we are within driving distance of a number of really unique German cities. Normally we have to save our sightseeing for the weekend when there is time to drive further out, but since everything is so close we were able to travel to a different city every night last week.
On Monday we traveled into downtown Gelsenkirchen, which is really cute. There's a large shopping area with cobbled pedestrian walkways (you may remember we previously got to see these when our taxi driver thought these were roads).On Tuesday we headed to Munster, about 45 minutes away. We toured the altstadt (old city), which was beautiful. The creepiest/most interesting sight we saw there was St. Lambert's Church. At the top of the steeple you may notice three hanging cages. These were used in the 16th century to display the bodies of the leaders of the anabaptist Munster Rebellion. Talk about creepy! It is pretty cool that the cages and the cathedral itself are so well preserved considering it was built in 1375.
We also had our first authentic German meal at the Pinkus Mueller Brewery: sausages, potatoes, sauerkraut, and of course beer brewed on-site. There was even a band playing old time German music.
On Wednesday we drove to Dusseldorf. Despite our crazy taxi ride, we learned that it really does take just a half an hour to get there! Again we went through the altstadt, where we found this cool octagonal shaped art museum.

That's awesome you guys are so close to so many different places. The pictures are awesome!
Mia and Jeff:
You have no idea how much I enjoy traveling vicariously through you two! You are the best tour guides, and your posts and pictures are great!
Ann Scott
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