Friday, September 14, 2007

Life Update

Hello all! We know it's been a while, so we thought we would give you a quick update on our lives. We left Gelsenkirchen on August 25th and headed off on a two week vacation. We decided to rent a car and drive through Western Europe. Along the way we stopped in TONS of different cities and were overwhelmed by all that we saw in such a short time. We will post more details later, but our main stops were Amsterdam, Paris, Geneva (Switzerland), Lucerne (Switzerland), Fussen (Germany), Munich (Germany), Rothenburg o.d.t. (Germany), and Dusseldorf (Germany). Throughout the trip we constantly commented that it felt like we were on our third honeymoon (the first being the real one in Costa Rica and the second our month in Australia). I guess it's hard to complain when you can have three honeymoons all before your first wedding anniversary!

Anyways, we left Germany on Sunday and Jeff left on Wednesday for a quick job in Daesan, South Korea. I decided to stay back because the town is very small and there's not much for me to do there during the day. Plus it's a quick job, so I know Jeff will be back soon!