Thursday, May 03, 2007

Who Doesn't Love a Layover?

The layover. Unfortunately in today's travel market it's almost unavoidable if you are traveling more than a few hundred miles. In our travels Jeff and I have had many layovers in many different airports. Some were excellent while others were, well . . . lets just say less than enjoyable. Since we do so much traveling I check the Travel section on almost daily. Today I came across an article that I could really relate to: the Best Airports for a Layover. As I read the article I noticed that Jeff and I have been to the majority of the airports listed - most of them in the past few months!

After reading the article I clicked on the link within the article to get the actual list compiled by Forbes Magazine. If you are planning on doing any international travel any time soon I would definitely check it out. In case you are too busy (or lazy!) to click on the link and see the pictures, here is the list along with Jeff and my experience with the airports:

Changi International Airport, Singapore - We both flew through here on our trip to Malaysia. I got in at around 12:00 at night and walking through the terminal was like a breath of fresh air. There were all these gorgeous native plants and little ponds everywhere that just seemed to put me at ease.

Hong Kong International Airport, China - Jeff flew through here on his way to Malaysia (I went through Tokyo). He agrees that it is a really nice airport.

Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Texas - We flew through here on our way to Costa Rica for our honeymoon. The terminal was really nice and it had a TGI Fridays so we were happy campers!

Zurich Airport, Kloten, Switzerland - Never been there - if you have feel free to share your experience!

Munich International Airport, Germany - Never been there either, so if you have, share away!

Incheon International Airport, Seoul, South Korea - Jeff and I flew through here on our way to Ulsan, South Korea. Honestly, I don't remember being all that impressed with it, but I also don't have a negative opinion of it!

Central Japan International Airport, Ise Bay, Japan - Never been there, so let's hear about it if you have!

Luftansa First Class Terminal, Frankfurt, Germany - We have never been in the first class terminal, but we have been in the Business Class Lounges. Let me tell you, they look NOTHING like that picture! While there were a few beverages and some snacks, there was no elegant food and seating was cramped and hard to come by. I guess we are in need of an upgrade!

In the article they also mention the Doha, Qatar International Airport. While the first class lounge there may be nice, the rest of the airport is quite possibly the scariest/busiest/least organized airport I have ever been in! Thank goodness they are building a new larger one - hopefully that will be an upgrade!

While these places are awesome, there is one that I have seen on previous lists of this kind that I think should be included: Schiphol International Airport, Amsterdam, Netherlands. I have flown through here several times and there is so much to keep you occupied and entertained. If you ever fly Northwest/KLM to Europe you will likely end up here.

In closing, to all of the airports out there making the layover better for all of us travelling fools, thanks for keeping it interesting!


Anonymous said...

Katy flew through Zurich on her way to visit me in London and, from what I recall, she loathed it. She said it was bit too utilitarian and Swiss with hard floors and not enough chairs. Also, the transfer counter caused her some problems.

Anonymous said...

I concur

Jeff and Mia said...

Thanks for the good advice! Note to self: try to avoid the Zurich Airport!