Sunday, May 27, 2007

Beach Day!

After several weeks of non-stop working, Jeff finally got a day off this weekend. It was a school holiday here, so it was far to busy to go to the islands and go snorkeling. Instead we decided to make it a beach day and enjoyed the hotel's 8 kilometer long private beach. One of the other employees here with us, Greg, also had the day off, so he came along to play.

The day started off with ping pong and Tiger Beer. The boys had some fun while I took pictures.

The ping pong table is located just outside of the children's play area. Normally there is a hotel employee working inside the play area to prevent hooligans from entering, but she was called away long enough for us to run in and take the following picture:

We then headed to the beach, making sure to avoid the golf course and any errant golf balls.

We took many breaks along the walk to look for crabs and to play a little Frisbee.

We walked all the way down to this great rocky area full of small tidal pools. Jeff and I climbed on the rocks for some great pictures.
Then Greg and Jeff decided sumo wrestling in the sand would be a whole lot of fun!
We spent several hours like this just relaxing, having fun, and trying to get some sun. I'm not going to say who, but based on this picture and our tans can anyone guess which one of us works and which one sits at the pool all day?


Anonymous said...

Good to see you guys are having fun! Great pictures.

Love, Mom

Rachel said...

Awesome pics! I was gonna say, Jeff isn't his usual sunburntness!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys are having fun! It's a little different from last year at this time, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

that crab looks like the ones on the pirates of the caribbean movie

Anonymous said...

as you can tell from my previous post either I too have indulged in too much Tiger Beer or English is my second language.