Just a few doors down from the hotel there's a great German Restaurant/Brewery called the Hopfbrauhaus. They brew a great hefeweizen that we've had many times. Typically we order a pint, or a whole liter if we're feeling ambitious. On the menu there's a three liter option. We've only seen it ordered once, and it was by a fairly large party. We always wanted to order it, but it's fairly expensive, and it's a lot of beer, so we never had. A few weeks back Jeff and I went to Hopf and ordered a liter each. Our waiter informed us that there was a special on the three liter jug if we were interested, so we decided to go for it. It took them a while to bring the drink, and when they did we couldn't stop laughing.

It was huge! Do you notice that there is a ladle next to the glass to serve the beer! There's no way you could lift the glass and accurately pour it! We were a little overwhelmed, but eventually we stopped laughing and tried to make a dent in that massive glass!

From left to right pint, liter, and three liter glasses (for comparison)

It took us about three hours, but we managed to finish the whole thing, much to the amusement of those around us! I really think we should have gotten a larger discount or a commission since others around us started ordering the three liter glass too! We were trendsetters for the night!
Ha! Love it!
Haha, it looks like you photoshopped that glass into the picture, it's really just a little glass that you made bigger on your computer. I know you've been playing around with photoshop lately Mia... hahaha
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