We promise this is our final Christmas post! The last part of our trip to the US was a visit to South Carolina to see Jeff's brother Scott's family. His wife Lou Ann just had a baby in November, so we were excited to meet our new niece Cierra Rose. We spent about 4 days down in SC, so we had lots of time to play with Roxanne and Cierra. Jeff's whole family was there and we had a really good time! Not much to write, but a lot of pictures to share!
First up we'll introduce you to Cierra!

Being rocked by Daddy
Sporting the faux-hawk while napping
Opening presents with Grandma and Grandpa
Such a happy baby!
Sleeping with Aunt Rachel
Outside with Daddy
There was lots of dancing and silliness going on!
Scott and Jeff sporting their Christmas gifts to each other
Roxanne being silly with Aunt Rachel
Dancing to the Madagascar 2 Soundtrack
The fun was too much for some of us to handle!
One afternoon Jeff, Scott, Roxanne and I went disc golfing at a local park.
We tried to take a few good family pictures too!
Jeff, Roxanne and I
The whole Wery clan
Such a cute picture of Scott and his girls
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