Sorry we've been M.I.A. for a while, but we are still alive and well! Just thought we'd give a quick update. After 11 months, we finally left Thailand at the end of April. While I went back to the US, Jeff had to fly straight to Kuwait for another assignment. Jeff was supposed to be out there until September, so I snuck in a vacation to South Carolina to visit my parents, and then planned on heading to Kuwait to join him. However, as things go in this job, the assignment ended up changing. It took a few weeks to get him out of there, but after five weeks in Kuwait Jeff actually got to come home! He went into his office for the first time since January 2008 (and even back then it was only for one day!). We quickly found out we would be heading back to Doha, Qatar where Jeff had his very first road assignment. Luckily there were a few delays, so Jeff was able to spend about two weeks back home. We got to hang out with our families, and even caught a Brewers/Cardinals game!
On Friday we left the US and we're now back in Doha. Jeff was here for six months from October 2005 to April 2006. We weren't married yet and I was still in law school and working, but I was able to come out here for a week to visit. It's amazing how much this city has changed (but that's for another post!). It's a little bit nostalgic coming back here, and it seems like things are coming full circle. We're sure most of you know, but Jeff is planning on coming off the road and working in the office for good in September. That means our time left on the road is running out, so its really cool to possibly end things where they began! That's all for now, but now that we're back on the road hopefully the posts will come more often!
Monday, June 08, 2009
Um, So I Guess It's Been A While :)
Posted by Jeff and Mia at 11:37 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

. . . free green shooters (still not sure what was in them) . . .
. . . and free t-shirts.
Several of the staff members had on crazy hats, so of course we had to try them on!
Oh, and to top it all off, there was this guy . . .
Yes, he is wearing a skirt and makeup and he does have two melons in his shirt!
Good fun, good friends, and good Irish beer . . . we couldn't have asked for more!
Posted by Jeff and Mia at 11:49 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2009
New Photos
We know it has been a while, but we finally updated our photo site with some new pictures. All of our Christmas photos and our recent trip to Bangkok are up there. We're also trying to post some from Chinese New Year soon.
Also, we recently posted some new albums to Shutterfly that we thought we'd share:
Paris 2007
Our Ancestry Trip
Posted by Jeff and Mia at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
That's One Big Beer!

From left to right pint, liter, and three liter glasses (for comparison)

It took us about three hours, but we managed to finish the whole thing, much to the amusement of those around us! I really think we should have gotten a larger discount or a commission since others around us started ordering the three liter glass too! We were trendsetters for the night!
Posted by Jeff and Mia at 9:53 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Our Nieces
We promise this is our final Christmas post! The last part of our trip to the US was a visit to South Carolina to see Jeff's brother Scott's family. His wife Lou Ann just had a baby in November, so we were excited to meet our new niece Cierra Rose. We spent about 4 days down in SC, so we had lots of time to play with Roxanne and Cierra. Jeff's whole family was there and we had a really good time! Not much to write, but a lot of pictures to share!

Posted by Jeff and Mia at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 08, 2009

After a year without snow it was awesome to have a white Christmas!
Posted by Jeff and Mia at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
It's Santa!
Yup, its another far overdue Christmas posting :) We arrived back in the US on the 20th and spent a day or two in IL with Jeff's family. We then headed up to Milwaukee to spend time with my family. Every year my Aunt has a Caroling Party on December 23rd, and since we were home we were really excited to get to attend. It's a fairly large party, and there are always plenty of little kids anxiously awaiting Santa's appearance. Santa must have the date on his calendar, because he manages to show up every year. Unfortunately this year bad weather prevented Santa from making the trip. He was kind enough to call my Aunt and let her know he wouldn't be there. He didn't want to disappoint the children, so he told my Aunt that a Santa suit and some candy canes would be waiting in her laundry room. He had scoured his naughty and nice list and determined that Jeff was the perfect candidate to fill in for him. Within five minutes of arriving at the party my Aunt informed Jeff of Santa's wishes, and Jeff was "thrilled" to fill in.
Now it takes a lot of courage to play Santa, so my very generous cousins made sure that Jeff had all of the "liquid courage" he needed for his big performance. Apparently Santa has called and cancelled before, and my male cousins have all been on the nice list, so they have all filled in before. They gladly introduced Jeff to their friend Jack Daniels, who helped him get ready.
We all know Santa is a big jolly fellow. Jeff unfortunately is not, so we had to find some pillows to help him fill out the suit. Our first pillow wasn't quite the right fit. He looked more like Santa-Bob Square pants.
With help from Jack Daniels, my dad, my uncle, and two of my cousins, we were able to figure out the suit. Since Jeff was Santa, I guess that made me Mrs. Claus, so of course I helped get him dressed.
Once he was ready, he came through the front door for his big performance. He was a little nervous, but he handed out candy canes like a pro!
The show could have lasted all night, but my adorable cousin Margaret (who was the flower girl at our wedding) shouted out "You look like Jeff." Not wanting to betray Santa's trust in him, Jeff high-tailed it out of there and was back at the party within minutes. Though he was nervous I think he had a great time. Plus, he must have ensured his spot on the nice list for a few more years to come!
Posted by Jeff and Mia at 9:50 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
Yes, we know Christmas was a few weeks ago, but we never got a chance to post our pictures, so . . . better late than never! After Thanksgiving I couldn't wait to search for Christmas decorations to hang up in our room (bear in mind that we didn't know we were coming home for Christmas, so we wanted to make it as festive as possible!). You may recall that two years ago in Korea we couldn't find any decorations so we had to make our own (who could forget Jeff's green shirt stretched over a lampshade as our"tree"). I feared the same thing would happen here, but boy was I wrong! Our local grocery store had a ton of tinsel and lights, and after stops at three large department stores we were even able to find a tree! Below are a few pictures . . .
We were told our lamp looked like a festivus pole :)
Our tree!
It's hard to tell in the picture, but the tinsel is green and gold, so we called this our Packer mirror (too bad it didn't help us win!)
Posted by Jeff and Mia at 10:05 PM 0 comments