That's right, we met some of the biggest celebrities in the world at Universal Studios in Orlando. Who did we meet you may ask? Does this answer your question:

Yup, we met the REAL Bart and Lisa Simpson!!! Outside the Kwik-E-Mart!!!! Okay, we aren't really that excited about it, but we thought it was hilarious that they were there, so we had to wait in line to have our picture taken. Marge and Homer were around later, but they were leaving, so we didn't get our picture taken with them!

That was just a small part of our day at Universal Studios when we were in Orlando.

We then headed to Krustyland (AKA, the Simpsons Ride). The walk up to the ride was really cute. There was a Kwik-E-Mart (which felt strangely like a gift shop!), a Squishee stand, and all kinds of murals with characters on them.

We waited in line for about 45 minutes, but it seemed like five because there was so much to keep us entertained in the line. The best part was the dozens of flatscreens playing classic Simpsons clips as well as original stuff animated for the ride. When we finally got inside the building, there were all kinds of screens playing different scenes that fit with the Krustyland theme. It was so much fun!

The ride itself was awesome. It was very different than any other ride we'd been on before. You enter a room and sit in a typical roller coaster car. However, instead of plunging forward on tracks, we were raised up into a dome that was one large video screen. From there we were jerked, twisted, and turned to make it feel like we were on a real roller coster. It was totally different, but so much fun!
After that we headed over to the Men in Black ride. It was really fun because it was interactive. We were spinning along the track while trying to shoot at the aliens. I have terrible aim, so its no surprise that Jeff crushed me in the final score!
We then made our way to the Jaws ride.

Again, I had ridden the Universal Studios Hollywood version, and this one was pretty similar, but it was still fun. Our tour guide was a complete ham, which made it fun. Jeff was scared to get wet, so I took one for the team and sat on the outside of the boat. Somehow the water managed to hit only one area of my body. . .

Thankfully it was hot out, so my bum dried quickly! We hit up a few smaller attractions and then made our way over to the Mummy ride. We had heard this ride was awesome and we were expecting a long wait. We didn't see a line when we got there, so we were hopeful, but it turns out the ride temporarily closed for repairs! We were bummed, but hungry, so we grabbed some food and sample size beers a the Irish Pub across the street (where we could still see the Mummy line).

As we were ready for our bill, we saw the line reopen. Jeff quickly ran across the street to put our bag in a locker while I paid the bill. We hauled behind to the ride and basically walked straight on! It was awesome! The ride itself was really cool too! All kinds of special effects, and blazing fires! Plus there were dudes on stilts outside, which is always cool!

A few more rides and we were ready to call it a day! We made a quick stop at the Bubba Gump Shrimp company so I could buy a T-Shirt (my one from Charleston got ruined in the hotel laundry some time ago) and were on our way!
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