Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful day and were able to share it with the ones you love! While nothing could compare to being at home with our families, we managed to have a pretty festive Thanksgiving halfway around the world.
The day started off when Jeff came home from work at about 9:00 am. He got a phone call from the front desk, but wouldn't tell me what it was all about. Then 20 minutes later there was a knock on our door, and a special delivery. Jeff brought in a box, and I knew it was some kind of sweet treat. I had just woken up, but the wheels were spinning and I was trying to figure out what it could be. Immediately I thought pie (based on the shape of the box). It clicked that it was Thanksgiving, and I guessed that it was a pumpkin pie. To my sheer delight, I was right!!! Apparently two other roadies had brought pie into work with them in the morning and Jeff asked them where they got it. They said the hotel, and Jeff ordered on from the front desk as soon as he got home. Without even bothering to get out of bed I devoured the first piece!It was good, but it wasn't a traditional American pumpkin pie. As you can tell from the color it was more orange than brown. We decided we could make the pie better if we ran to the grocery store and picked up some spices and some whipped cream. We knew it would be asking too much for the store to carry the Pumpkin Pie spice, but we did grab some cinnamon and nutmeg. We got back home and immediately at our second pieces! MUCH BETTER!!!!
After that Jeff headed to bed for the day and I took a little nap with him. I woke up and spent the afternoon at the spa getting a massage! Jeff woke up later in the evening and we headed downstairs to one of the restaurants at our hotel. They were having the traditional Thanksgiving feast, and two of the roadies were nice enough to make reservations for the 16 of us! It may not have been family, but it was great to be at a big table with the people we've lived with for the last 6 months. (thanks to Angela for some of these pictures :))
How many times can you say that you've celebrated Thanksgiving with a Russian, a Brit, a Vietnamese, and two Venezuelans! And how many times can you say you celebrated Thanksgiving outside in a tropical paradise! For being 10,000 miles away from the US, the food was pretty good and pretty traditional! Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, gravy, etc. (although no traditional stuffing, but beggars can't be choosers!).
We stuffed ourselves silly and had a great time! It was by far our favorite Thanksgiving away from home yet!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by Jeff and Mia at 11:57 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
We Met Celebrities!!!!

Posted by Jeff and Mia at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Time of Mourning
November 14th to the 19th were days of mourning to remember Her Royal Highness the Princess Galyani Vadhana. Her Royal Highness, who was the sister of the King, passed away on January 2nd, 2008 at the age of 84 after battling abdominal cancer. When she passed Thailand was in mourning for one hundred days. During that time, and for several months after, Her Royal Highness has laid in state at the Grand Palace in Bangkok. November 14th to the 19th was her royal funeral. It was only the second full royal funeral in the 62 years that King Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX) has ruled the country, which really shows how important Her Royal Highness was to the King and to this country.
There were countless ceremonies honoring the Princess, all of which were broadcast live on every Thai TV channel. Here is just a rough idea of the different ceremonies performed.
14 November - Evening Rites at the Dusit Maha Prasart Throne Hall
15 November - 7am - The Procession Ceremony, moving the Royal Urn from the Dusit Maha Prasart Throne Hall to the Royal Cremation Ground, Sanam Luang
15 November - 4.30pm - The Royal Cremation Ceremony
16 November - Collection of the Royal Ashes
17 November - Rites for the Royal Ashes
18 November - Moving of part of the Royal Ashes to the Chakri Maha Prasart Throne Hall, where all other Royal Ashes are kept
19 November - Moving of part of the Royal Ashes to the Royal Cemetery at Rajabopit Temple
We were not able to make it to Bangkok to be a part of the ceremonies, but thousands of Thais from all over the country were there. Those that could not make it were watching live on TV.
On Saturday, Her Royal Highness' funeral pyre was lit by the King and she was cremated. In Pattaya, Walking Street, which is filled with go-go bars and working ladies, was basically completely shut down as a gesture of reverence to Her Royal Highness. It may not sound like much, but the hundreds of bars on Walking Street fuel this town's economy. Shutting it down on a weekend really is a feat and is a serious sign of respect. On Wednesday the King and his Queen Consort placed Her Royal Highness' cremation urn in its final resting place, thus ending the royal funeral. The period of mourning is now over, but Thais will never forget the Princess, whom they all loved dearly.
Posted by Jeff and Mia at 3:32 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Loy Krathong
On Wednesday, November 12th Thailand celebrated Loy Krathong, the festival of lights. Wikipedia has a good explanation of the history of the holiday, and what it celebrates. While we defer to Wikipedia on the origin, we can talk about how the holiday is celebrate from first hand knowledge!

Posted by Jeff and Mia at 8:09 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Back in the Swing of Things
I am back in Thailand, and we are back in the swing of things over here. About two weeks ago Jeff received his new assignment here, which meant that I got the green light to fly back out. We are really excited to get to spend some more time in Thailand, as we have really fallen in love with this country! We will miss our families at the holidays, but it looks like we will be staying in Pattaya until the end of January.
I had been out of Thailand for six weeks, and for the most part everything is the same as I left it. However, in the week I've been back I have noticed a few changes. First off, the weather is completely different. When I left it was rainy season. Every day was exactly the same; the morning was sunny, and every afternoon like clockwork the skies would open up to drench us. Since I returned, its been cloudy a few times, but no rain! The absence of rain has been great, but even better has been the drop in humidity! All summer long it was ridiculously humid here. You couldn't walk outside without getting sweaty. Now, I can be outside all day and not break a sweat. It's such a HUGE difference! Case in point: in my difficult daily schedule (note the sarcasm) I try to squeeze in some pool time every day. Before I left, after 15-20 minutes in the sun I would be dripping in sweat and would have to jump in the pool to cool down. All last week I laid at the pool for hours on end without even breaking a sweat! The nights are so much cooler here and all in all the weather's just a lot more pleasant.
Another huge difference is the composition of tourists. Summer is the low season here, so most tourists we encountered fit into one of two categories: 1. Australian families/couples; or 2. Older single white men from the west (US, Germany, Russia mostly). The Australians were on a cheap winter getaway. The single men were taking advantage of what put this town on the map. November to March is high season here, and there is a whole new crowd walking the streets. Everywhere we look there are TONS of older couples on holiday. There are still the single old men, but there are also a lot of single younger men now, and they tend to come in large groups. They do the same things the old single men did, but there's just a lot more of them!
The last difference is probably my favorite. Since it was low season, the hotel here was under construction. Every day we lived with constant pounding, hammering, and drilling. Now that high season is here, the construction is over!!! This is so fantastic considering that Jeff worka night shift and had to try and sleep through the noise!
We have a lot of blog posts to catch up on, so stay tuned!!!
Posted by Jeff and Mia at 6:55 PM 1 comments