Panipat is really the poorest place either of us have seen. A large portion of the population lives in tents, shacks, or small huts made of cowpies and covered in straw (there are tons of these huts around, and most of them are used to store cowpies for fuel, but we were told that people live in the larger huts). There really is no way to explain what we see on a day to day basis, so we thought pictures/videos would say it best.
This is a stack of cowpies on the side of the road. The more moist ones are used to create the huts while the dried ones are stored inside to be used as fuel.
Some roadside shops.
This is a very common sight. It's kind of cut off, but there are at least 10 people in this tiny rickshaw.
Like the pictures, these videos were all taken from the car, so they move pretty quickly, but we think they show what life in Panipat is like.
This is a video of that same village above.
This is another small village in Panipat. If you watch closely you can see the cow pie huts as well as some stone shacks. There are also a lot of shops and wild animals in this area.
This video pretty much sums up what its like to drive in Panipat. Bear in mind this is a divided highway meant for speedy driving.
You can see a lot of the cowpie/straw huts in the background and the foreground here. You can also see a lot of cowpies laying out to dry.
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