Wednesday, December 05, 2007

We're in Tulsa

We are so excited because for the first time in our travels we have an assignment in the United States!!!! On Sunday we packed up my car and made the 11 hour drive from Chicago to Tulsa, Oklahoma. It was so fun to not have to worry about airport delays, luggage weight restrictions, jet lag, or any of the other not so glamorous parts of international travel. We just packed the car with as much stuff as we wanted and headed out on our own time. It was fantastic!

Our hotel room is beyond perfect, as we finally have an actual kitchen to use, but it is hard to want to cook when we have all of our favorite restaurants within just a mile of our hotel! In case you can't tell, we are really excited about this job :) We should be here until early January, but at least we will get to spend Christmas and new year's in the US!