Thursday, June 14, 2007

Where in the World Are We?

Where are we? Good question. For the next few weeks you may not hear from us. We promise its not because we don't love all of our readers. Rather, we will be on holiday! Our job in Malaysia is over, and we are currently on holiday in Singapore for a few days. Then its off to Melbourne (via Perth) where we will spend a few days with Jeff's sister Rachel who's studying abroad there. Then its back to Perth for a few weeks of traveling the Western Australia. We should be back in the US around July 6th or so (which is also coincidentally Jeff's birthday). We don't know if we will have internet access along the way, but we will try to post pictures and updates as often as possible. But if you don't hear from us, then know that there will be a whole bunch of exciting posts to come during the month of July!


Anonymous said...

I hope you guys enjoy your holiday. . . it sucks being stuck here. I better see plenty of pictures in mid-July!!