Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Thankfully We Have Internet

I'm not sure how big of a news story this is in the US, but there is a huge telecommunications outage here in Asia. Thankfully it did not reach us here in Ulsan but Seoul and other northern parts of Korea were impacted.

I guess there were several earthquakes near Taiwan which impacted undersea telecommunications cables. Yesterday on the news they were saying that up to 2/3 of all telecommunications (including land lines, cell phones, cable, and internet) for Taiwan, Hong Kong, parts of China, Japan and Korea were affected. Businesses were scrambling and as I am sure you can imagine there was a lot of chaos. Here's an article today from CNN World talking about the outage and how it is being repaired.

As I said, luckily this didn't impact us otherwise there could have been problems at Jeff's refinery and I would have had no source of entertainment all day!