This year was definitely our best St. Patrick's Day since we've been on the road. For starters, we were in a location where there was actually an Irish Pub (I guess Russia and India don't know what they're missing!). Plus, one of Jeff's co-workers was in town on vacation, so we had someone else to celebrate with!

It was a work night for Jeff, so we couldn't stay out too late, but we spent the night at a local pub, Molly Malones.
They had several specials going on throughout the night.

There was a live band . . .
. . . free green shooters (still not sure what was in them) . . .
. . . and free t-shirts.
Several of the staff members had on crazy hats, so of course we had to try them on!
Oh, and to top it all off, there was this guy . . .
Yes, he is wearing a skirt and makeup and he does have two melons in his shirt!
Good fun, good friends, and good Irish beer . . . we couldn't have asked for more!