We couldn't help but notice that there was this 6-foot tall painted fiberglass penguin outside of our hotel in Tulsa.

We set up this blog so that all of our friends and family can keep up-to-date on all of our world wide travels. Feel free to post any questions or comments and we will do our best to respond! For more pictures, go to our new photo page at http://www.jeffandmia.shutterfly.com
We couldn't help but notice that there was this 6-foot tall painted fiberglass penguin outside of our hotel in Tulsa.
Posted by Jeff and Mia at 6:47 PM 0 comments
As of 5:00 this morning we are now back home. Though the job in Tulsa was not yet complete, there was a more pressing job that Jeff was needed for, so we left Tulsa yesterday evening (after watching the awesome Packer victory) and drove straight through the night. As soon as we get our visas sorted out we are heading to Panipat, India. It is a smaller city in northern India, a few hours north of New Delhi. We have talked to other employees who have been to this location, and it seems like we will not have internet access, so it is possible that you will not hear from us for a while. We should be there for about a month or so. I will try to post a few fun things in the next few days before we leave so you don't miss us too much!
Posted by Jeff and Mia at 8:30 PM 0 comments